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"HEALTHY" is an art + science



"To eat is a necessity but to eat intelligently is an art"

Healthy Food

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"




every journey begins with the first step...

Green Goodness

the NOURISH approach

At NOURISH, we believe that all aspects of your life are interrelated, and the food you put in is directly related to your mental, physical, and emotional health. We use both science & art to help you find a nutrition plan that is uniquely suited to your needs.

learn more here

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the BLOG

Nutrition is more than food, it is a lifestyle choice. Check out our blog for more topical insights around daily habits and small changes you can make that will make a big difference in your health and happiness.

learn more here


the RECIPE book

At NOURISH, we believe healthy eating does not have to be bland or in any way "less" in quality or taste. Take a look at our recipe gallery for specialized recipes adaptable to a whole host of health-related needs. P.S. your kids will love them!

see gallery here


Herbal Medicine

Functional Nutrition

Medicinal Herbs



Gluten Free

Food Allergies & Sensitivities

Weight Loss Essentials

Weight Management

Aerial View of Baking Ingredients


"I came to Ipashri as I was looking to eat healthier overall and ensure I have proper nutrition when I am racing triathlons over the summer. I thoroughly enjoyed the consultation and feel that I have the education, tips, and plan to move forward with healthier eating. Ipashri has a unique combination of compassion and listening to what your needs are coupled with an underlying science that explains her recommendations. I now feel prepared to make nutritional and lifestyle changes that will improve my overall health. However, I don't feel overwhelmed by the changes - in fact, I feel optimistic and hopeful. Thank you, Ipashri!"

~ Quentin B.

book a consultation with ipashri

We provide Individualized Nutritional Consultations where Ipashri works closely with you to create a holistic plan tailored to your specific health challenges and goals. We know you all have busy schedules so time is of the essence. As part of our Signature Package, we also add in services such as Pantry Resets, Meal-Prep, Recipe Development, and Grocery Advisory. We do Virtual Consultations all over the world. Ipashri has patients in the US, London and India.

Ipashri Bharti is an 
experienced functional nutrition consultant and founder of NOURISH. She studied science of nutrition at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition after a successful career in finance. She has also completed cooking courses in London at Cordon Blu and Cordon Vert.


As a thank you for subscribing to my blog, get INSTANT ACCESS to my "Healthy Fats" ebook.

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